Technology and Adversity - Natalie Crowe Designs | Web Design Company Australia

Technology and Adversity

Taking a different approach to  writing today, as it’s been a over a
month since we’ve been able to write to you all. The last four weeks
have been  exceptionally busy, but more so than that, it’s been a
challenge here at Natalie Crowe Designs headquarters with Technology 
posing a rather extreme level of adversity for us. 

Have you ever
wondered or given a thought to what it would be like working within
your niche or industry without the key tool in which you deliver
services?  Well guess what? That’s been an obstacle that we’ve been
facing since early this month. We’ve had no internet service available,
what’s worse is that we weren’t aware the extensive process that it
would take in order to get the issue rectified, nor did we anticipate
the time delays or additional issues to arise. 

As you can
imagine, being a website design business and having our internet service
go down, it’s made production near impossible.  We sought out wireless
internet and  have use of  multiple techniques to increase the service
quality, antennas, different modems and suppliers, but have recently
found we’re in a “blind spot”  and are only going to get minimal
coverage at best.  At the moment, we’re using a particular setup and the
download speed is barely enough to get the emails through. Which is
frustrating to say the least, particularly when the issue was something
that we couldn’t predict happening.

As a result, we’ve been at a
standstill. We’ve been advised that by early next week we should have a
new line trenched and that with all going to plan we’ll be back on the
airwaves before the end of this month.

We can’t apologise enough
to our clients who have been  caught up in the delays, but we are
working as quickly as we can to get the situation addressed.  

this stage, we are offering quotes to clients wanting new work
completed however, the quotes will not be able to be serviced until
September due to the extensive time delays finalising work for our
existing clients.

As a business owner, this has been
exceptionally stressful and I can’t stress enough to others, WHAT
BACKUPS have you go in place for your business?   Don’t be caught up in
something like this, should circumstances out of your control impact you
and your business. 

We cannot say Thank You enough to our
amazing clients, they’ve been patient and  unbelievably forthcoming, 
with clients more recently offering to have us in their home so we can
continue our service provision.

We’ve spoken to a collegue
23/7/2014 who has said we are welcome to utilise their office in the
short term  whilst  our technology issues addressed.

We’re heading out there today, to make the most of this opportunity. 

We hope everyone has a great day today and we’ll post up some additional blog posts  we’ve been working on in the down time. 

Thanks in advance.