Online Shop / Blog / 8 page Premium+ Website Package from $1700

Premium Plus Website

10 Page WordPress Website + Blog + Online Store

Premium Plus Website Package

Only $4400

10 Page WordPress Website + Blog + Online Store 

Premium Plus WordPress Website Package includes:

Premium Plus Websites | WordPress Website Packages Australia
Premium Plus Websites | WordPress Website Packages Australia

This website package:


This website package + maintenance:

$4829 with discounted maintenance package

Web Design Australia

Tell me more about the Premium Plus WordPress Website:

Premium Plus  Website package includes:

+ 10 Page Custom Built WordPress Website + which you can easily edit and add new content as you grow.

+ 12 Months Website Hosting & Domain

+ 12 Months email hosting

+ FREE SSL Certificate

+ Standard Search Engine Optimisation

+ Ability to edit using WordPress Content Management System

+ Device Responsive Web Design

+ Help getting your website found on Google with on-page SEO including Yoast SEO Plugin setup, Google Analytics setup, sitemap submission to Google Search Console.

+ Configure + Brand Google My Business

+ Configure + Brand Facebook Business Page

+ General User Manual

+ 4 Hour Zoom consultation

+ Woocommerce Shopping Cart

+ Initial Data Entry for up to 20 products

+ Setup of PayPal Standard Payment Gateway

+ Implementation of advance WordPress Security Strategies

+ Blog Setup

+ Blog Post Pack -4 Blogs included

This website package:


This website package + maintenance:

$4829 with discounted maintenance package.

Web Design Australia

Enquire about the PREMIUM+ Package
via the form at the bottom of this page

When Nat first asked if I’d be able to write a testimonial for her revamped website, I didn’t give it a second thought. After the complete and utter chaos my poor website has been through over the past few months, it was the least I could do to say thank you!

Right from day one back in 2016, Nat has been fantastic and an absolute pleasure to work with. Her attention to detail and complete dedication to each and every little niggle I throw at her continues to amaze and impress me.

So, it was only natural that when the time came to move my website off its existing host server and onto a new one, I knew Nat was THE person for the job. Throughout the process, we encountered several hiccups (over and above the ‘typical’ hiccups associated with a move) which caused extra stress, frustration, and at times the need to vent via several inappropriate expletives which need not be repeated. Throughout the whole ordeal Nat maintained complete professionalism, worked on the issues over countless hours and a couple of sleepless nights, and reassured and updated me as she went on where things were at.

To say the move was a success wouldn’t be completely accurate, and unfortunately we then had to turn around and move the site AGAIN just 6 weeks later. Despite the heavy feeling in our hearts, we both dug deep and just got on with it. Again, Nat was wonderful at both the work she did in moving my site AND her reassurance and constant contact. Thankfully this time it was a resounding success and I know my site would be no where near as amazing as it is without her help and support.

If there was ever a 100% top notch developer and business mentor then Nat would have to be it. I am beyond thrilled with the work she has completed for me thus far and look forward to a long and prosperous partnership as my businesses continue to grow. Thank you for everything lovely lady!

Lisa Ratford

Detailed Bag Patterns, Andrie Designs

Enquire about our PREMIUM+ package today!

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