Options for businesses after Coronavirus | Web Design Australia

Hey lovelies,
Nat here – website designer and business mentor. I just wanted to send a quick message out to say hang in there, I know tough times are present and ahead and that this whole coronavirus / scaremongering that’s happening globally is rocking everyone to their core – me included at times, but it’s going to be ok, we’ve overcome so much more than this and in time we will look back on this and be able to breath easy knowing it’ll be something else for the history books that we’ve triumphed over…
Personally for me, I’d been battling the idea – not from lack of ability the cope but that I struggle with not being able to help everyone. That this whole ordeal is causing so much stress, fear and anxiety and that I don’t want any of my clients, friends family and the world as a collective to experiencing this struggle. I want to be able to help people and it’s now more than ever that that desire in me is strong. However I too have been overwhelmed by what’s taking on the over sensationalising of the media and every breaking update.
I want to help as many clients as I can, this idea that my skillset and knowledge and desire to support and empower is so strong within me. I don’t want you to struggle through this unnecessarily.
I’ve already this year decided / implemented for those who join up to receive my free mailing list will get a portion off their first invoice, however as a means of making sure I can support as many people as possible and to make my processes more affordable, I’m offering payment plans options as a means of helping clients. Whether that be a new website development or help with their existing website. I’m genuinely here to help and in times like these we need to stick together from the comforts of our own homes (lol sorry probably not the best joke…. if we don’t laugh we’ll cry right..)
If I can be of any assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact my page or request a quote via my website.