Adobe Business Catalyst discontinued – Now what?

FOREWORD: Business Catalyst IS being discontinued and is scheduled for deletion as of 26th of March 2020. Whilst this DOESN’T affect the majority of our clients, there are a small number of clients in our database who will be impacted and we’ll be working with each of those businesses to complete their migration. Below you’ll find a run down of what we know and your options should you as a business owner be faced with Migrating Business Catalyst to WordPress
Over the last 3-4 years, Natalie Crowe Designs had already moved the majority of our client base over to WordPress or other platforms with the needs for more customised functionality and with our love for WordPress, the development freedom and in general the robust and diverse system, meant that we were able to deliver more for our amazing client base.
Here’s what we know about Business Catalyst “End of Life”
In the early hours of this morning 27/3/2018; Australian Eastern Standard time, Natalie Crowe Designs, like the Hundreds of Thousands of other Business Catalyst users and Business Catalyst partners, received word that Adobe has decided to discontinue Business Catalyst and would be phasing out the solution without offering an real alternative – other then to encourage it’s users find means of migrating to other systems.
This news has sent ripples through the BC community and caused much outrage at Adobe abandoning their partners, their clients and the many businesses that are solely Business Catalyst focused.
Whilst we too feel this process is unjust, as there had been other alternative options for Adobe, “We” as a community have been graced with a “generous” two year window between March 26th 2018 – March 26th 2020 before they will delete all site data related to their systems including any remaining websites / systems who haven’t migrated out of the system.
Below a screenshot of the email:
Much like many of the Partners who allocated thousands of dollars to come on board as a Lifetime Partner, who bought into this system as it was practical and meant users had everything they needs within one interface, with the general consensus that partners are feeling as if they have been left high and dry in this circumstance.
Moving forward, we will be working closely with our current client database as well as implementing measures to migrate / rebuild our own website and future proof our own business, and then reaching out to the BC community to offer services to migrate business catalyst to wordpress.
I will post more on this process later and would encourage everyone to take time to consider their options and work out the best plan of action for their business.