Streamlining the Natalie Crowe Designs Office
After spending so much time out of the loop with our clients and generally looking at and working out how best we could improve our services. One of the major points of contention for us was streamlining the process. We have our own system as to how to manage and sort our client files, but I personally wanted to have a more hands on approach to what we do as a business. I want to be able to look at a client at any given time and know exactly where he or she is in their business relationship with Natalie Crowe Designs, but also to be able to optimise my service to all of you.
After much planning and organising (and stationary shopping etc), we now have 47 active client files which all have a summary display folder with various documents that have been consistently streamlined with in the business. The folder has all the details I need to know when I pick up the phone to talk to a client, the progress report on their latest development. the previous projects developed, the accounts for that client, a list of products or services that the client currently already has and could possibly use in the future.
I’ll grab a photo of the achievement when I get back into the office but for those who are interested. Our folders have:
♦ Client Detail Summary Sheet
♦ Current progress sheet – per job
♦ Credentials sheet – what accounts they have setup , who, what where
♦ Current products/service & proposed services.
♦ Accounts to date – summary
The folders are consistent across the board. We still file all of our paperwork in a filing cabinet but this system makes it much easier when the phone rings and you need to review.
Can’t wait to start growing the client list between now and the end of the year.