Slowly progressing
A sight for sore eyes, the arrival of contractors, meant that trenches have been dug and that it’s gearing closer to things slowly progressing in the world of Natalie Crowe Designs.
For those of you who haven’t been on the journey with us for the past 3 months. We have experienced what has been the most challenging circumstance that ‘we’ as a business, have every faced. As you can imagine, the lost of a primary tool to provide services for clients would be difficult, but for a small scale, local website design business – not having consistent and reliable Internet Connection and Phone service has been ‘devastating’. The total of losses in client accounts is easily in the $15,000 mark and until we have connection this will continue to increase. It’s understandable not everyone is in the position to just hang around for 3 months whilst Telstra get themselves organised. Unfortunately this is something that we’ve had to come to terms with… It’s been heart shattering watching your business fall to pieces when all of these events have been completely out of our control. But it’s on wards and upwards, It can only get better from here right?
We’re hoping that in no more than a week we’ll have ADSL internet connection back in the office and that we can finally start making solid plans for development for our clients and for the remainder of 2014.
Believe you me, when I say that I will be letting everyone know when we’ll be back online and back in action. We’ve missed all of our clients, fans and followers and can’t wait to catch up on your travels and triumphs whilst we’ve been offline.
Have a great day everyone!