January 2015 Summary
Already the first of February, and 2015 is progressing at a steaming pace. January has now passed and what a busy few weeks that was for us here at Natalie Crowe Designs.
With the New Years celebrations, School Holidays in full swing in January, we took some much needed downtime to recoup, reground, and recenter for the fantastic year ahead of us.
My daughter and I spent plenty of the holidays enjoying the sun, playing and exploring our creative sides in the world of craft.. Finally breaking open the “craft cupboard” doors after collecting for months before in order to have plenty to do over the 6 week break. To say the leave we had a ball. I gave needle felting a go, which was at times like acupuncture (if you’re familiar with needle felting you’ll find the humorous side) and experimented with oil pastels, all forms of paper, foam, and created forts from cardboard boxes, chairs and sheets. We expanded our vegie garden and ventured to Sydney for a few days of discovery. It was great to spend so much quality time as a family, it was only in the last week of January that we started slowing down, and on Wednesday 28th Little Miss started Year 1. An exciting time for both of us to say the least! She’s growing up so fast! So now that, that is all water under the bridge and we’ve established our regular routine again, it’s now time to kick things into gear and initiate our 2015 goal plan!
First port of call, follow up all the calls, emails and enquiries via Facebook. We switched our business phone off for majority of the school holiday period, so on returning to the “office,” I was greeted with a large number of calls, emails and messages via our Facebook. I have just about returned all of the calls, emails and enquiries and booked each of those clients who have requested consultations or completion of further work into our schedule.
2015 is looking to be the biggest and brightest year yet, with extension of our existing services, client road maps, supporting some really awesome local events and working directly with our community. We plan on making this year, the year of achievement, the year of contribution and the year of growth for Natalie Crowe Designs and our supporters.
We look forward to hearing about your journey!
Stop by our facebook page http://www.facebook.com/nataliecrowedesigns for more frequent updates!
Have a great day!