Time to set this weeks goals
As a means of focusing on being more productive, I’ve started pre-organising my week. Scheduling events if I can help it and working with my time more efficiently.
I have been working on a list of tasks to complete which I have been diligently working on, however whilst completing client paid work and my Search Engine Optimisation course, it’s been a slightly heavy workload.
‘They’ believe that you should in order to achieve something you need to take ACTION and realistically unless it’s life threatening, you should really only be spending 30-90 seconds to make a decision. You can always CHANGE that decision if it’s not working out. But 90 second tops!
I made the decision this morning that I was going to take action and make a move on some of the tasks I had been procrastinating on for my own business and needed to make a move on for my client’s businesses.
5 Main Goals for this week.
1) Review & Complete outstanding modules for the SEO Course we’re completing by 5pm Thursday
2) Update NCD website with new portfolio items to generate more interest in the business.
Posting 20 updated client project photos by 5pm Tuesday afternoon.
EDIT: ACTION TAKEN – I have completed the main part of this goal, but I’d like to style the gallery to make it more visually appealing. Portfolio can be found here
3) Create achievable to-do list template to aid productivity:
You can download our basic template here: Monday To Do List
We have created individual files for each day, but it’s just a matter of going in and changing the day.
4) Review and recreate NCD questionnaire with more focus on goals and benefits of our services rather technical jargon – Goal : to be more user friendly – by Wednesday 5pm
5) Write Minimum 2 new blog posts before 5pm friday.
although we’ve successfully completed this goal TODAY, I’d like to continue to post twice a day, and modify the goal from posting twice a day to sharing minimum of 2 blog posts a week.
6) By 5pm Friday I will have a schedule drafted for 22nd – 27th of October.
This is in addition to our regular client work.