Heading Into February - 33 Days into 2020 - Natalie Crowe Designs | Web Design Company Australia

Heading Into February – 33 Days into 2020

Web Designer Australia | Website Packages | Web Design Cessnock, Web Design Maitland, Web Design Hunter Valley

Hey there everyone!

Nat here, it’s all been a bit of a blur the last few days heading into February .. 33 days into 2020…  Wow! Wow! Wow! Can you believe it, that’s the first month of 2020 done an dusted? 

School is officially back after 6 weeks School Holidays. Believe it or not, it’s actually been quite bitter sweet in that I have been itching to get back into regular routine and reclaim that structure in my day, however on the same double edge sword, my darling daughter starts her next obstacle in 9 months as her primary school transitions them for High School in Term 4. 

To think I started this business 1 month before she was born. We’ve stood the test of time and both my “babies” are upleveling.  

January Recap & Celebration:

Well January started off on a high, we’ve been busily pumping out project work for clients and doing website maintenance.  Even though we set off on holidays mid month, two weeks into January we were already well on our way to hit our January targets.

I actually had some big goals in place, some of those included things like:

  • Maintain my commitment to honour myself by not discounting my services – after recording massive losses and burnout over the past 12 months.  I outlined a lot of this in my blog post:  Reviewing my last 10 years in business.This one was super important for me.
  • Save the needed cash to complete two major business courses –  I had these two courses on my vision board for 2-3 years. These two courses I believe will further my knowledge to be able to help my clients more and also support me to next level my business.  I am so excited to finally have saved enough money to be able to complete them.  I register for BSCHOOL by Marie Forleo &  MONEY BOOTCAMP by Denise Duffield-Thomas in mid February and I CANNOT wait!!
  • Hit more than 100 paid hours a month consistently – due to the discounting my services my books never show that I’ve done 100+ hours.. although I often work A LOT more than that.  I’ve put plans in place to help me meet this goal on a regular basis and  I am so proud of myself for sticking to my guns.
  • Be Present with my audience – Create solid presence online by maintaining my social media platforms and connecting with  you guys.
  • Monthly Newsletters – Maintain commitment to regularly communication via monthly newsletter.  (So far so good!)  and grow that following. We’ve had growth!! 🙂 
  • Hit  & maintain #1 organic ranking for longtail keywords:
    •  Web Design Cessnock   (Up 1)
    • Web Design Hunter Valley ( Maintained)
  • Prioritise my own personal health and make conscious effort to take care of me – given the fact that I’m the glue that holds my world together, my family and my clients all rely on me. I want to be the best ME I can be and ensure I’m setting a great example for my daughter.
  • Support my clients as thoroughly as I can and always over deliver –  and with the recent WordPress Hacking and Malware attacks this one of the big ones that I  have well and truly exceeded expectations.

January have been a rather colourful process – I’ve shared a little on the “Colouring”  at the foot of this email…  however it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows….

Increased WordPress Websites being hacked!

If you read my last impromptu email regarding hacking  / malware attacks on sites and my outline on making your own backups of your WordPress websites.  Then this won’t be news to you, but in recap…

Self Managed / Outdated sites were targeted:
We returned home on the 19th after our holidays to find that several clients had experience Hacking and Malware injections in their websites.  Notably all of those whom were attacked were sites that were either self-managed or hadn’t had work done with us recently and were in need of updates. 

Why would they want to hit a small-medium site ??
In essence these hackers create automated robots that look for vulnerability in websites. So things like weak usernames and passwords, week ftp logins,  outdated coding or components of a website- for example old WordPress versions, plugins and themes  or in general unsecured areas of your website. 

With this, these hackers try and gain access to your systems in order to inject codes and malicious scripts that often either download software to the users computer  or redirect to affiliate links or ads that may result in paid incentives for them.   Essentially a hacker is either looking to obtain sensitive information or to wrought a paid scheme in order for financial gain. 

Expensive & stressful process when your sites aren’t maintained properly:
Unfortunately for website owners,  this is often a expensive and stressful time  with the loss of income, downtime for the business, damage to their online presence through the search engines (if the infections aren’t dealt with as soon as possible) and the cost outlay to restore and prevent the infection from reoccurring. 

I note here there is no way to 100% protect your site from being hacked.
It’s just not possible. But having a full backup of your site and regularly maintaining your website, completing the updates and maintenance needed is vital to limiting the chance and deterring hackers from seeing your site as a target.

Recap of Recommended D.I.Y Backup Plugins for WordPress Users :

For WordPress users there are plugins you can install on your website that will allow you to create and download relevant files. Some of these include:

  • Updraft
  • Duplicator
  • Jetpack
  • BackWpUp
  • All in one migration (Free Version) however you’ll need the paid version to be able to restore files of a certain size.  We do have the premium versions and can act on your behalf to restore if you do choose this plugin.  

Moving Forward into FANTASTIC FEBRUARY!

Well February has plenty to offer, Did you notice today’s date? 02/02/2020  –  you can look at it in reverse and it’s still the same thing..  not only that but given that it’s a leap year, February is also offering another day up for grabs to make your goals and dreams come true.. What will you do with it?

What’s on the agenda for February:

  • UP-LEVELING SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE – This month is going to focus on not only improving my skills and knowledge but I am looking to share that information and educate my clients and following on various things that will benefit them in the long run.  
    • WORDPRESS SECURITY:  1/2/2020 saw me complete another short course on WordPress website security, all be it that I knew the majority of the content I took pages upon pages of notes and am in the process of working these implementation into my clients websites.   This refresher course meant has provided a fresh prospective on how I can better serve and support all of you.
    • BUSINESS EDUCATION & TRAINING:   After achieving my financial goal to fund the tuition for both BSCHOOL & MONEY BOOTCAMP! I’m pumped to jump on board and partake in these courses. Getting amongst other whom are well and truly above my game is going to be such an amazing experience.  – You’re only as good as the company you keep – so for me learning from 6 and 7 figure business owners is just going to be amazing!!!

Track Your Progress!!!

So with the Awesome Marketing Planner  you have an abundance of means of tracking things and it makes things so much easier. HOWEVER if you’re like me and are working on massive goals and keeping all of your info in a book is practical but you still want the visuals in front of you then why not get creative an put together a tracker of your own…

So whilst I had no intentions of sharing this in depth…  I also wanted to demonstrate the reality here.   Lol if I anticipated that I’d be sharing lol I most likely would have  tried to be neater with my colouring and handwriting!!  However this was just for me… This is the actual trackers I used to log my progress as I’m working through January.  

I’m into all the woo woo stuff about being grounded and meditations, crystals and oracles cards etc…. so for me it was given to draw a tree like figure and track my financial savings. 

The other chart shows my billed hours for the month. I’d aimed for 100 paid hours a month. Each time I billed an hour I’d colour in another square…. Whilst I did more than 114 hours in January (this was photo I took in passing when talking to colleges about my progress.)  I wanted to share as it doesn’t matter how to track, whether you just want a spreadsheet or you want vibrancy and colour over your walls, you don’t have to draw anything like what I did.. but you can if that’s what works for you.  

Tracking your progress gives you so much valuable information and shows you where you are on course and off course.

There are so many things you could track  – 

  • Sales and revenue,
  • Cost & expense
  • Time worked
  • New prospective clients whom contact you
  • New prospects you’ve converted into clients
  • Social Media Following
  • Email Newsletter Subscribes
  • General website traffic
  • Blog and webpage views
  • Enquiries  & more.

With this information you can then adjust your strategies or implement strategies to improve your results.  

Anyways lovelies!  Let’s wrap this us!

So my questions for you :

  1. What’s your focus for FEBRUARY in your business
  2. If you’re tracking or have decided to track – what will you be tracking?

I would love to hear from you, you can reply directly to this newsletter and your messages will come straight through my inbox or send me a message via my Facebook page or website.

Have an amazing day and if I don’t speak to you beforehand enjoy and make the most of FANTASTIC FEBRUARY!! 

Kind Regards,

Natalie Crowe
Natalie Crowe Designs
Web Design & Business Mentoring
Ph: 0423285233